Cameron Logie
March 3, 2014
DES 40A Research Paper
Paint has been a commonly used product for years in our society, our cities, our homes. In more recent years, having a solid painted wall in one’s house is not enough. People have been looking to harness their creativity and display their own “chalk art” on a plethora of surfaces; walls, cupboards, jars, tables. Chalkboard paint has become available for people to purchase; however, this trend has led to a new form of re-using old paint to create homemade chalkboard paint, with the inclusion of other materials. What started as a mass-produced product has made its way into “DIY-ers” throughout the world. But what materials go into these paint products? What ingredients distinguish chalkboard paint from say, regular paint? Though I found it difficult to find a complete list of the materials that contribute to the production of chalkboard paint itself, I came across hundreds of homemade chalkboard paint recipes which will greatly contribute to my understanding of this paint. By examining standard paint and those materials that re-purpose it to be chalkboard paint, I will arrive at the materials which contribute to every stage of the life cycle of chalkboard paint. Throughout my research paper I will critique a variety of brands of chalkboard paints, as all of them were composed of relatively the same materials.
Before chalkboard paint was being manufactured, it was implemented in many 18th century classrooms. The earliest chalkboards were simple pine boards painted black; at the time, this black paint was composed of lime, plaster of Paris and fine black soot. Lime is essentially formed by the burning of calcium carbonate. Plaster is a basic coating material that smooths and hardens walls, combined with black soot this first form of chalkboard was spread over the walls. It appears that classrooms in the early 18th century were essentially building a solid wall covered in soot for by which the chalk would show up. These are the fewest ingredients that went into creating chalkboard, but over the years its production became more complex.
Nowadays, there are a few additional materials that are used to create more durable chalkboard paint. A US patent for a “flexible chalkboard” elaborates on the materials that create a chalkboard surface that can be moved around and folded up. They describe creating a solution that they then in multiple coats onto a flexible fabric base. We can assume that the materials they use in creating this product would be similar to that of a regular chalkboard paint one would apply to a wall or other surface. The raw materials that go into creating this coating are 4 parts water, 5 parts talc, 5 parts acrylic and 1 part titanium dioxide. Talc is extracted from metamorphic rocks and is the component of chalkboard paint that serves as a filler material. Acrylic is a more commonly known material that goes into many different paints and coatings. In the case of chalkboard paint, acrylic gives a translucent coat to the chalkboard surface as well as provides durability. Another advantage of adding acrylic to chalkboard paint is that it will produce more vivid coloring on the chalkboard surface, and will also not decay the natural materials on whichever surface it comes into contact with. This means that chalkboard paint has the advantage of applying to any surface (paper, walls, glass, plastic) and not wear down.
Another material found in chalkboard paint that contributes to its glossy surface is silica. Silica is a “crystalline compound derived from quartz…Found in the crust of the earth, silicon is a tough compound and is called silica when combined with oxygen”. This is also a major component in creating standard classroom chalkboards. A further component of chalkboard paint that I wanted to explore was where its color comes from. Most chalkboard paints are traditionally produced black, as they were originally pigmented with black soot. As chalkboard paint has become more popular, many people take to colored or tinted chalkboard. Regardless of its color, chalkboards achieve their pigmentation through a material called opacifiers. Opacifiers are a base glaze that is made up of melted glass that is color-less and translucent. However, adding certain materials such as tin or titanium will make it more opaque, thus producing color. In addition, the smaller the particle size added the ore opaque the color will be. For example, adding large amount of cobalt with titanium produce a green color, which is most commonly seen in chalkboards and chalkboard paints.
One aspect of chalkboard paint that I wanted to research are the materials involved which could be possible health risks. On multiple different paint company websites, safety information was not publicly promoted, which led me to believe that there were materials that I needed to discover. What I eventually found was that you can track any one particular product’s ingredients and hazardous materials simply by a code. I discovered that every product comes with a specific code; and this code corresponds with a MSDS, or Material Safety Data Sheet. I decided to start with a generic black chalkboard paint by Rust-Oleum in order to asses these materials. As I mentioned before, titanium dioxide is a material that is found in most chalkboard paints. According to its MSDS, Titanium Dioxide is listed as a Group 2B-“Possibly Carcinogenic to Humans by IARC”. On this list, I also found that the paint contains Carbon Black-a material I was not able to find information on in my initial research. Carbon Black is essentially “an elemental carbon in a form different from diamonds, cokes, charcoal and graphite, and is produced in the Oil Furnace process”. On the Rust-Oleum Materials Safety Data Sheet, it states that “Chronic inflammation, lung fibrosis, and lung tumors” are all results of long-term exposure to this material. I find it interesting that the materials which I had to search harder to find are the ones that are more hazardous to one’s health.
After I had an adequate understanding of the materials involved in the“life cycle” of chalkboard paint, I was curious to find out where chalkboard paint is manufactured. Many paint companies sell this particular type of paint and I wanted to see what materials are involved in the processing and manufacturing. I went to a local craftstore to examine the variety of chalkboard paints that they were selling. I was surprised to find that the containers in which the chalkboard paint was held came in many different forms. Attached, I have included pictures of the various packaging materials used. For the Martha Stewart chalkboard paint specifically, the paint was in plastic containers. However, for other brands such as Valspar (also attached), the paint was packaged in a classic metal paint can. Because I could not determine standard packaging materials for the variety of paint brands, I was unable to fully explore the packaging materials at length.
One thing I did find in my exploration of packaging and production materials, was the origin of where the paints are produced. My research led me to the importance of barcodes on cans of paint, because from this code you can find where it was produced (another thing that most companies do not publicly release). I found an online resource which helped me match up the numbers on the product to the country in which they are produced. I used one of the generic Martha Stewart chalkboard paints found at a local craft store, and examined the barcode. The first two numbers in the barcode were “02” which means it was either produced in Canada or USA. I felt that this was important to note in my analysis of the full life cycle of chalkboard paint, to consider where it was produced in light of its materials.
Something that I found most interesting throughout my research of chalkboard paint, were the plethora of homemade “Do It Yourself” recipes I found for making chalkboard paint at home. I stumbled upon hundreds of blog posts and YouTube videos which explained how to re-use old paint to create chalkboard paint-and even add color! I was pleased to find that people were making efforts to re-use rather than waste, and to create something new with what they already had. I’ll explain the materials involved in the actual waste of chalkboard paint a little later, but first I felt it appropriate to analyze this new phenomenon of homemade chalkboard paint. I found one such website that explained how to create chalkboard pain using “Leftover Materials”. In an effort to be eco-friendly, many people start with leftover paint, as paint is not something that can be recycled. All that is needed is 2 tablespoons of Non-Sanded Tile Grout. Why Non-Sanded Tile Grout? Grout holds up well on multiple different types of surfaces; as I mentioned before, people apply chalkboard paint to number of materials, thus this is important. Additionally, grout “resists shrinking, cracking, powdering and wear”. According to the Material Data Safety Sheet of a generic Polyblend Grout, the grout is mostly composed of Portland cement. In addition, the mixture contains calcium carbonate, gypsum and silica. The silica, which I explained earlier, helps create a glossy chalkboard finish that may not exist with regular paint. This homemade recipe for chalkboard paint contributes to the waste component of my research. It is another way for chalkboard users to use the product without buying regular paint that would otherwise be thrown out.
One part of my research that was a bit more difficult to determine, were the materials involved in the waste of chalkboard paint. I found it difficult to address the process of waste involved with chalkboard paint, mostly because people use it up the paint and simply recycle the container. In order to still explore the materials involved in the waste management of chalkboard paint, I decided to instead discover which materials were released or emitted from the paint and what affects they may have on the environment thereafter. The most reliable source for this information seemed to be the United States Environmental Protection Agency website. Throughout all of the paint brands I examined, every Materials Safety Data Sheet warned of Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOCs. VOCs are essentially “emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids” and more often than not these liquids take the form of chalkboard paints. Volatile Organic Compounds can fill the air as a major pollutant thus causing much serious health affects to humans. As a common ingredient found in many products including chalkboard paint, it is alarming that this warning was not displayed on any of my other research endeavors. This material is, however, important to include in the full life cycle of the materials in chalkboard paint. It is something that users of the paint as well as the environment will be exposed to; I only wish these, among other harmful materials, were more publicly released and understood.
Through my research in chalkboard paint, I discovered many surprising elements to this seemingly simple product. I was able to explore the many different chemical components that all must react together in order to create its texture, pigment, durability, and sustainability. I found it rather difficult to comprise a complete list of the materials involved; it required a lot of “reading between the lines” to discover components of the chalkboard paint that sellers will not tell consumers. Also in my research, I was excited to find a whole community of people who are starting a new DIY trend of making chalkboard paint at home. In this way, they are re-purposing leftover paint that otherwise would have been waste, and are innovatively using other materials to create unique paints. It seems there is a whole new trend of paint that is fast-approaching, and provides consumers an interactive experience with the product itself. So long as the public is aware of all the ingredients-beneficial, and harmful, that go into the creation of the common chalkboard paint, it will be used for years as a creative and decorative product that allows for self-expression.
• Brennan, Carol. "How Products Are Made." How Chalkboard Is Made. Made How, 2014. Web. 03 Mar. 2014.
• "SMI: What Is Lime / Quicklime?" SMI: What Is Lime / Quicklime? Specialty Minerals, 2012. Web. 03 Mar. 2014.
• Green, Tina P. Method for Making a Flexible Chalkboard. Park & Sutton LLP, assignee. Patent 0118972. 26 June 2003. Print.
• "" Talc: The Mineral Talc Information and Pictures. N.p., 2014. Web. 04 Mar. 2014.
• DIC Corporation. "Acrylic Resins for Coatings." Acrylic Resins. DIC Corporation, n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2014.
• Huntley, Amy. "Make Chalkboard Paint–Chalkboard Rocks." The Idea Room. N.p., 28 Sept. 2010. Web. 6 Mar. 2014.
• "Polyblend® Non-Sanded Grout." Building Materials for Contractors, Architects & Homeowners. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Mar. 2014.
• "An Introduction to Indoor Air Quality: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, 9 July 2012. Web. 5 Mar. 2014.
Gabriela Moreno
Professor Cogdell
13 March 2014
Embodied Energy involved in Chalkboard Paint
Chalkboard paint has become a popular product that is commonly found in classroom walls, mugs, jars, and tables. The process of producing chalkboard paint is very complex. In order to fully understand the life cycle of chalkboard paint, we need to understand the raw materials, embodied energy, and wastes and emissions involved within the process. Consumers fail to recognize the amount of energy sources involved throughout the life cycle of this product. Embodied energy is the sum of energy being used in the extraction of raw materials, production process, distribution process, disassemble and recycling. The extraction of raw materials and transportation depend on heavy machinery. In order to calculate the embodied energy involved in the transportation process, we need to investigate what type of vehicle is being used and the distance that is being traveled. Once it arrives at the factory, they commence to remove all impurities to create the final product. The product is then exported through plane, ship, or train. The transportation process is dependent on the distance between the manufacturer and the consumer. Many steps need to be taken throughout the life cycle of chalkboard paint.
Energy is being inevitably used in the extraction, transportation, production, distribution, disassemble and waste production. The first step to understand the full life cycle of chalkboard paint is to detect what types of raw materials are being extracted. The raw materials of chalkboard paint during the 18th century were lime, plaster, and black soot. “The lime cycle consists of first burning of limestone to form quicklime. Adding water to the quicklime can then produce hydrated lime. Limestone is composed of mineral calcite (calcium carbonate) and/or the mineral dolomite (calcium and magnesium carbonate) along with small amounts of other minerals. Limestone is known to be the most important sedimentary rock that is formed by the compaction of the remains of coral animals and plants on the bottoms of the oceans around the world.”[1] “ Limestone is extracted from quarries or mines.”[2] I was only able to find basic information on plaster and black soot. Plaster is a basic coating material that smoothens and hardens walls. Black soot is made up of combustion of burning coal. The production of 18th century chalkboard paint was simple do to its minimal usage of raw materials, but over the years its production has became more complex.
Over the years, manufacturers have added more materials to make the chalkboard paint more efficient. Modern day chalkboard paint materials are: water, talc, acrylic, silica, opacifier, titanium dioxide, and carbon black. Talc is used for paint encoding and is extracted from a metamorphic rock and serves as a filler material.[3] Acrylic is a commonly known material that goes into different paints and coating. “Acrylic paint is a fast-drying paint containing pigment suspension in acrylic polymer emulsion.” [4]Silica minerals make up approximately 12% of the Earth’s crust. It is made up of two abundant elements of the Earth’s crust, which are 46.75% silicon and 53.25% oxygen.[5] Opacifier is basically a clear substance made up of melted glass that prevents against color degradation and allows it to preserve longer.[6] Titanium dioxide’s main raw material is ilmenite. When it undergoes the purification process, it transforms into a white pigment powder that is used in most paints.[7] Carbon black is essentially an elemental carbon in a form different from diamonds, cokes, charcoal and graphite. It is an elemental carbon produced in the oil furnace process. The raw materials necessary to produce chalkboard paint use up countless amounts of energy during the extraction process.
When extracting materials such as Water, Titanium Dioxide, Silica, and Talc, energy is used to operate machinery and excavate the materials out of the ground. Although I was unable to identify the exact excavating machine being used while extracting the materials, I managed to make an educated guess. I researched different types of machines to make an estimation as to which one is most likely to be used to satisfy the digging. I assumed that large amounts of raw materials would be needed; therefore a large excavation machine would be necessary to meet the demand. Due to my assumption, I researched Bagger 288, which is one of the largest excavating machines. This machine uses up 59,616 Megajoules of electric energy. The water is usually extracted from a near by lake or river. Although I was unable to identify the exact water pump used to extract the water, I have made an educated guess that the Pedrollo VCX Vortex pump can be possible machinery because it is a heavy duty pump that is capable of rough handling. In order to maneuver these machineries, both electric energy and fossil fuels are needed. Once the extraction process is finished, the transportation process begins.
The transportation of raw materials to the factory depends on the type of vehicle used and the distance being traveled. In order to estimate the distance being traveled, I needed to know where the raw materials are being imported. Many companies lack to inform the consumer as to where they import their materials. Yet through countless research, I managed to find some information as to where silica and lime can be found. “The majority of the silica produced in the U.S. is produced East of the Mississippi River and in the Northwest. The U.S. also imports silicon from Norway, Russia, Brazil, Canada, and from a number of other countries.[8]” “Limestone on the other hand is quarried across North America, particularly in the Mid West United States. The total lime production in the world was around 130 million metric tons. China is the biggest producer with 25 million metric tons. While the U.S. produced 21 million metric tons.[9]” Due to the lack of information I have, I was unable to identify the type of vehicles that would be used in the importation process. I researched the amount of energy that would be used in all transporting vehicles, which include: aircrafts, trucks, ships, and trains. According to figure 1, a long haul aircrafts uses up 9.49 MJ/ton-mile, a 15 ton truck uses up 2.19 MJ/ton-mile, a 35 ton truck uses 1.37 MJ/ton-mile, coastal shipping uses up 0.39 MJ/ton-mile, a train uses up 0.37 MJ/ton-mile, and an ocean ship uses up 0.23 MJ/ton-mile. These calculations allowed me to make an estimate as to how much energy and fossil fuels are involved to operate the transportation vehicles. Once the raw materials arrive to the factory, the product manufacturing commences.
Product manufacturing uses primary production, which is the usage of raw materials, and secondary production, which is the usage of recycled materials. Once it arrives at the factory, they commence to remove all impurities to create the final product. Titanium dioxide starts off as ilmenite rock and undergoes a process of heating and chemical reaction to result as a white pigment powder known as rutile/titanium dioxide.[10] “Silica goes through the process of washing and cleaning of grains, sizing to remove coarse, and very fine fractions, and physical and chemical processes to remove iron, chromium, and other deleterious minerals.[11]” Throughout this process, the materials are being melted down. In order to further understand what type of machinery is used to melt these materials, I needed to know the melting points. Most of the melting points I found were in Celsius, so I calculated the mega joules to further understand the embodied energy involved throughout the process. I came to conclude that ilmenite’s melting point is 100°C which is 0.1899 MJ, silca’s melting point is 1600°C to 1725°C which is 3.03856 to 3.2759 MJ[12], tin’s melting point is 231.93°C which is 0.4404 MJ[13], lime’s melting point is 1000°C which is 1.8991 MJ[14], and talc’s melting point is 650°C which is 1.2344 MJ[15]. During the production process, these materials are melted down through a special furnace. Because companies presented no specific furnace, I began to research the possible furnaces. I came across three possible furnaces that can be used; the envelope and car shuttle kiln, the box type electric furnace, and the FCH Cabinet Furnace. These furnaces run on fossil fuels or electric energy. The envelope and car shuttle kiln can burn up to 1343°C to 1426°C which is 2.5505 MJ and 2.7081 MJ amount of energy[16]. The box type electric furnace can burn up to 148.8°C to 1537.778°C which is 0.2826 MJ and 2.9204 MJ amount of energy[17]. The last furnace I found was the FCH Cabinet Furnace which can burn up to 732°C which is 1.3901 MJ amount of energy[18]. The higher the melting point of the material, the more energy is needed in the production process. Once the materials are melted down, the producers combine the materials together and create the final product. Once the product is finalized, the packing process begins.
The packaging process involves secondary production, meaning that it uses recycled aluminum to store the chalkboard paint inside. Although I do not know as to where exactly these aluminum cans are imported from, I was able to identify the melting point of aluminum. Aluminum has the melting point of 660°C which is 1.25341 MJ of energy[19]. I assume that the box type electric furnace would be used to melt aluminum. Once the melting is done, they mold the can and store the chalkboard paint inside. After this packaging process is completed, the exporting process begins.
The exportation of the product to the consumer depends on the type of vehicle used and the distance being traveled. In order to estimate the energy being used, I need to know the distance between the manufacturer and the consumer. Because I do not know where either one is located, I can only assume what type of vehicle can be used. The product can either be exported through plane, ship, train, or truck. I assume that the exporting process would be the similar to that of the importing process. Figure 1 shows an estimate as to how much energy is being used up for every ton-mile.
Embodied energy is spread out throughout the life cycle of producing chalkboard paint. Energy is inevitably used during the extraction, transportation, manufacturing, and production process. Extracting raw materials use up fossil fuels and electric energy to operate the machinery. Once the raw materials are extracted, they are imported to the factory. In order to calculate the amount of fossil fuels used during the transportation process, we need to know the vehicle being used and the distance being traveled. Because many companies lack to inform the consumer as to where they import their materials, I was unable to find the exact amount of energy being used. Once it arrives at the factory, the materials go through a process of purification. Machinery such as furnaces are used to melt down the product. The higher the melting point, the more energy is being used up. After the materials are melted, they are all combined to create the finalized product. When we think about chalkboard paint, we don’t usually think about the raw materials, embodied energy, nor wastes and emissions being used. We as consumers are ignorant to realize that energy is being used to excess that we cannot completely pin point how much of it is being used.
Figure 1
"Acrylic Paint." Last modified February 23, 2014. Accessed March 13, 2014.
"Box Type Electric Furnace." Accessed March 13, 2014.
Encyclopedia Britannica Online, s. v. "silica," accessed March 13, 2014,
"Envelope and Car Shuttle Klin." Accessed March 1, 2014.
"FCH Cabinet Furnace." Accessed March 5, 2014.
"Ilmenite." Accessed March 8, 2014.
"Influence of pigments and opacifiers on color stability of an artificially aged facial silicone.." Accessed March 13, 2014.
“ Lime (material)." Last modified March 4, 2014. Accessed March 1, 2014.
"Material fact sheet limestone." Accessed March 10, 2014.
"Material Life." Accessed March 13, 2014.
"Metals-Melting temperature." Accessed March 12, 2014.
"Silica." Accessed March 13, 2014.
"Silica sand." Accessed March 13, 2014.
"Silicon." Last modified March 8, 2014. Accessed March 13, 2014.
"Talc." Last modified March 6, 2014. Accessed March 10, 2014.
Talc: The Mineral Talc Information and Pictures. N.p., 2014. Web. 04 Mar. 2014.
"Tin." Last modified March 13, 2014. Accessed March 9, 2014.
"What is Lime?." Accessed March 11, 2014.
[1] “What is Lime?”
[2] "Lime (material)" March 4, 2014.
[3] Talc: The Mineral Talc Information and Pictures. N.p., 2014. Web. 04 Mar. 2014.
[4] "Acrylic Paint" February 23, 2014.
[5] “Silica.”
[6] "Influence of pigments and opacifiers on color stability of an artificially aged facial silicone."
[7] "Ilmenite."
[8] "Silica."
[9] "Material fact sheet limestone"
[10] “Ilmenite”
[11] “Silica Sand”
[12] "Silicon" march 8, 2014
[13] "Tin" march 13, 2014
[14] "Lime (material)" March 4, 2014.
[15] "Talc" march 6, 2014
[16] "Envelope and Car Shuttle Klin"
[17] "Box Type Electric Furnace"
[18] "FCH Cabinet Furnace"
[19] "Metals-Melting temperature"
{C}[20]{C} “Material Life"
Shuheng Yuan
Professor Christina Cogdell
Wastes and Emissions of Chalkboard Paint
Everyday, people around the globe dispose tons of waste chalkboard paint that are harmful to the environment. The amount of waste released to the atmosphere on a daily basis is high, yet there are other ways of ensuring that the environment is safe. This can be through recycling or proper disposal of these wastes. Architectural firms play a key role creating waste chalkboard paint that are then emitted to the environment. This paper looks at various ways of obtaining chalkboard paint to be used in architectural firms, the manufacture of primary raw materials to secondary raw materials and the manufacture of these secondary materials to the final product. Some of the chalkboard paint used in the architecture industry are made from substances that can be harmful to human health and the environment. Coatings from buildings are some of the main emissions that cause harm to human lives. In most cases, those transporting the chalkboard paint to sites do not know the risks they are putting themselves into. This also applies to the processing and use of these finished products. There are over 170 million buildings that are under constructions in the globe, and these use raw materials of paint and produce emissions and wastes during the construction and demolition processes. Though no one pays a keen attention on the effects of construction to the environment and the human life in general, their effects are serious that people imagine. The amount of Construction and demolition (C&D) materials in construction sites are many, yet no one wants to identify ways of re-using these waste products in an effort to safeguard the environment. The architecture industry has numerous activities that entail the use of substances that emit dangerous gases and wastes to the environment. These include renovation, construction and demolition of buildings (Axelrad Robert, 98).
Construction entails the use of different chalkboard paint obtained from different sites. The variety in the amount of chalkboard paint used in the construction, renovation or demolition of buildings are many, hence the need to have an effective and safe transport system to ensure that no one comes to harm during the process.
The chalkboard paint used in art and architecture are transported by road. This entails the use of trailers and Lorries that help move the chalkboard paint from one point to the other. There are various regulations that have been put into place in different countries to regulate how various chalkboard paint are moved from one point of the country to the other. The regulations aim at safeguarding the lies of those transporting the chalkboard paint, and those who use the same means of transport as the transporters.
These raw materials of chalkboard paint are also transported from the manufacturing sites to the construction sites through ships especially if the products are imported. These can be finished or raw materials (Siddique 154).
In the case of formaldehyde, transportation of this chalkboard paint is done through shipment. This is because the product is not found in every country; hence most of it is shipped from laboratories to different sites where they are mixed with other products to forms various products that are used for different activities. The regulation for transport of formaldehyde includes the need to transport them in protective packages that prevent any contact between the product and those transporting it. In case of an accident during the transport process, the product needs to be quickly wiped away to ensure that there are no long term effects from the spillage. During the transport process, the shipment vessel should have the categorization “Dangerous Goods, Class 8." This will warn everyone of the amount of danger and harm that can come to an individual if they are not careful when dealing with the product.
Regulations also provide that the product should be transported in its dilute form. This is due to research that sows that the product is less harmful when it is diluted as compared to when it is in its concentrated form. Due to the danger associated with this products, those shipping it to different places have to be trained and licensed to do the transportation of the product.
Obtaining chalkboard paint
The architecture industry requires numerous chalkboard paint that need to be collected before the actual building process begins. One of the important raw materials is chalkboard paint. This is obtained from chemicals where those building the construction have to identify the amount of chalkboard paint needed to the building. This entails going to a factory where manufactures sell their paint to interested buyers. The other way of obtaining chalkboard paint through purchasing from brokers who specializes in the supply of chalkboard and other paint materials. In most cases, paints are manufactured and then they are measured to fit all the requirements of particular space of a building. The processing of paint varies with the building under construction. The colour and texture required, the functions also vary, hence the processing plans depending highly on how the architect designed the building under construction (Schlickel, 134).
There are various ways to ensure that there is minimal wastage of how is used in the construction process. The effect of chalkboard paint to be used as decoration is serious to human health and the environment. One of the ways of ensuring that there is minimal use of chalkboard paint is through advance framing where the chalkboard paint lay out in the construction ensures that a small amount of chalkboard paint is required to decorate the construction. This also makes sure that the construction is safe, and its structure is not compromised. The good thing about focusing on saving the chalkboard paint as a raw material is that it doe not only ensure that the number of construction used in minimal, but it also saves on cost. It also improves energy efficiency and the durability of the construction. This also gives the architects a chance to focus on the exterior walls of the building under construction (Book 65).
Fixtures are also important raw material required before construction takes place. These differ depending on the type of building under construction. These arte obtained from hard wares that get their supplies from factories. The factories assemble these product most of which are synthetic and make different assortments of the fixtures that are then utilized by those in the construction business to finish their buildings. The other important raw materials used in the architecture industry are the appliances. Most of the fixtures are made from plastics which come from different factories that either assemble waste plastic materials and recycle or re-use them. Buildings require appliances before people can start utilizing them. These come from factories that make the appliances, and they are then distributed to construction sites (Goumans 78).
The other product that is used as a raw material in the manufacture of appliances and paint is formaldehyde and formalin solutions. These are important in making different products that are useful indifferent industries including the construction and architecture. This product is harmful to human health especially if inhaled by those who do coating in the construction sites. Over time, one develops various respiratory complications that may be or may be not treatable.
The product is also useful in the manufacture of formaldehyde-based resins, and in the development of plastics. The main area of application is in wood-products. The product has various applications that make the finished product fit to be used in the architecture industry in construction and finishing. In the construction industry, this product is used as a water- and grease-proof on concrete surfaces and plasters. There are many other areas that the product is applicable. The raw material helps people in different industries, and not only those in the architecture sector. It is therefore, crucial for everyone to identify ways of reducing emissions and wastes from construction sites (Aalbers, 90).
Manufacturing of the chalkboard paints required in the architecture and art industry requires detailed prices. The manufacturing process takes pale in different areas, and the finished products are transported to the construction sites for use. The chalkboard paint are assembled from different sites where they are either produced, and then they are taken to the manufacturing plant where they are designed to suit its purpose. Paint is produced and taken to factories where they are manufactured to different products that are useful in the construction of buildings.
During the manufacturing process, different waste materials are produced. One of the main wastes from manufacturing of chalkboard used in the architecture industry is carbon. This comes from the manufacture of fixtures, paint, and appliances and from mix the chemicals. Carbon is a harmful substance to human health and the environment. The effects of its release to the atmosphere is harmful as it has resulted in various climatically effects in the world currently. This includes global warming, floods, heat waves, prolonged droughts and unpredictable weather patters. This increases the risk of food insecurity, hence the loss of life.
Demolition is a part of the construction and architecture. This entails destroying buildings that have been in existence before. Though many people may opt to renovate their houses or buildings, others decide to demolish them before coming up with new buildings that serve their demands. It is vital to examine how these demolitions affect the environment, and the harm that it brings due to waste products. In this case, demolitions release many waste products to the environment. These can be useful chalkboard when they are recycled or reused (Barton 67).
Some of the chalkboard are vital for the construction of new buildings. They are important raw materials that can be used in the construction of the new building or in making repairs in other buildings. The extraction of these products from the demolition site requires keen salvaging. This entails picking everything that is in a good state, and doing repairs where it is required. This is an important way of making sure that costs are minimised and chalkboard paint obtained from previously used products (Ahmed 78).
There are other ways of ensuring that these chalkboard paints are not put into waste. This is specifically applicable fro paint products. As stated earlier, chalkboard paint use in construction causes many harmful effects to the environment and contributes a lot to changes in the climate. Therefore, it is vital to identify ways of ensuring that people minimise the use of chalkboard paint. One such way is through recycling of paint products. These range from furniture to composite decks. However, one should note that some of the paint products like eco-system friendly material to be used for interior, roofing are coated with chromated copper arsenate (CCA). This is dangerous and harmful product that should not be recycled. It should also not be burned as a way of disposal as it emits a lot of harmful gases.
The other raw material of chalkboard paint that is useful in the architecture industry is asphalt and concrete. These are products useful in the construction process that is useful especially when it is recycled. Other waste products that comes form the demolition process are plaster. These are normally mined and then processed to fixtures and other useful products used in the industry. These include steel and brass. Silica is also another vital chemical that can be recycled or re-used to minimize costs. These materials are strong and can be put into use over and over against. It is only upon those in the construction industry to consult with each other on how to go about the recycling process.
Architects plan for houses and other buildings that will last for a long period. However, the amount of materials used in the process of construction of the buidlinggs emits a lot of wastes and emissions to the environment. With time, these buildings are either undergoing demolition or renovation. This means that there are even more waste materials and emissions coming form the sites that it was during the construction process. It is therefore, vital to come up with ways to ensure that these emissions and wastes do not endanger the lives of people as well as the environment. There are different products that are used in the construction process that can still be used during the renovation or after the demolition process. It is important to ensure that these products are re-used or recycled helps in reducing expenses and safeguards the environment. The effects of the activities that architects and artists cause to the environment are many, but no one really pays close attention to how these innocent actions affect the globe. It is therefore, crucial for everyone to take on different initiatives to ensure that materials are used well. This can be through minimization of its use by looking at alternative ways that can produce the same results. The other way is through re-using where products are put to the same or alternate use after a while. Recycling is also another key way of making sure that there are no wastes in the environment. This mostly applies to wastes that take as long time to rot. By recycling these chalkboard paint, one does not only ensures the environment is clean, but also reduces the cost of manufacturing chalkboard paint that can serve the same purpose.
Work cited
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